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When Is Sub Prime Sub Prime?

Becky Chernek - Does your F&I manager automatically ship the loans of sub prime customers away from your primary lender? What is the magic credit score number that triggers this policy ... 620?

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Ask not What your Salespeople can Do for You... Ask What You Can Do for your Salespeople!

Sean Wolfington - Many managers are always thinking about what their sales people should be doing for them to sell more cars,to sell more cars ...

How did They Do it? Case Study: Herb Chambers Sells 600 Vehicles Online.

Sean Wolfington - Herb Chambers drives revenue to service and parts department through e-marketing...

Courtesy Chevrolet Uses Internet Marketing to Sell an additional 85 units a month

Sean Wolfington - One of the reasons Courtesy Chevrolet has a lot of success on the Internet is because they have become masters of e-mail marketing...

What's Your Best Price, Bottom Line

Darin George - If there were a prize for the most asked question in car sales, “What’s your Best Price?” would get it hands down. How you handle this question will determine IF you sell the vehicle and IF you maintain any gross profit ...

Dick Hannah Targets Sub Prime to Dominate Market

Sean Wolfington - Dick Hannah in Portland, Ore., became a dominate force in Internet retailing by rethinking their marketing strategy and recognizing there is a lot of money to be made in special finance online.

What's My Car Worth (Handling Trade-Ins)

Darin George - ... the customer will still listen to you and follow you all around the dealership. Because you’re the first sales person that has told them what they have been waiting to hear. They love you ...

Herb Chambers Creates own Regional Online Buying Service

Sean Wolfington - Herb Chambers began their regional online buying service by creating an e-CRM Business plan to outline their goals...

Search Engine Marketing Buyers Guide - Part 1 Choosing he Right Provider For Your Dealership

Dean Evans - A skilled provider will give you the tools you need to easily measure the success of your program...

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Schomp Automotive Sells 100 Extra Cars in One Month

Sean Wolfington - Respecting the customer starts with selling according to the needs of the customer and saying goodbye to high-pressure...

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